What is a Joint Venture?

A Joint Venture in property investment is a partnership between two or more parties who combine their capital and expertise to undertake a real estate project.

It allows investors to pool their resources and share the risks and rewards of a particular investment. Joint ventures are commonly used in real estate development, where one party may provide the land or property, while the other party provides the necessary funding and expertise to construct or refurbish the property.

The parties then share the profits according to their agreed-upon terms.

How and why does it work?

The obvious reason for performing a Joint Venture is that you need access to what the other person has. Of course, they’ll also need access to what you have – or there’s no motivation for them to participate.

We are looking to grow our portfolio, and as the working partner we have the team and expertise to complete a renovation project. Our goal is to purchase the investment option to refurbish it, then either sell, Rent or remortgage a higher value.

Rather than using the slow bank finance process, we are looking for JV partners with funds to use to purchase & renovate a carefully selected property investment opportunity initially. Once the refurb is complete, we have the option to sell or obtain a mortgage. We will then use the proceeds of the acquired capital to pay you as the capital partner back your initial investment with an agreed financial gain on top.

“Two heads are better than one! You would be surprised how cheap property is when you invest as a team!"

How do you know these investments are worth the time and effort?

Although Home Miners has only been investing in Portugal for under 5 years, our experience extends out to the UK and Canada in which we have over 10 years of experience and training in the property investment sector. 

-Each project that is presented on this page has been estimated to be profitable for most investors. 

-Each project is estimated in its worst-case scenario. 

-Each project can be provided with a comparable analysis report to provide better insight into your purchase.

-Detailed data sheets can be provided to provide better insight into your purchase. 

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Investment Risks

There are risks associated with investing in securities. Investing in stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, and money market funds involves risk of loss.  Loss of principal is possible.

Some high-risk investments may use leverage, which will accentuate gains & losses. Foreign investing involves special risks, including greater volatility and political, economic and currency risks and differences in accounting methods.  A security’s or a firm’s past investment performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future investment performance.